Wednesday, September 28, 2011

i "get it" a little bit more.

The subject of fasting has kinda been a big deal ever since we got here to IHOP. The people here really promote fasting as a part of normal Christianity, not "radical" or "legalistic." It's not the first time I've heard these teachings, and I do think that I had some measure of correct understand of what fasting is, but there was so much didn't really get about it.

I had enough understanding to know that fasting was good and we should do it, but I guess I never really understood why. This all came to a head when talking to my core leader Robert about the tension I'm feeling between "striving" and "pursuing". He was able to point out that the mindset with with I was viewing God is not how He presents Himself in the Bible. The crazy part is that I wasn't even really aware that I had this stinkin' thinkin' about God, that if I break a fast early that equals failing and He'd be upset and withhold Himself from me. That doesn't sound like a good God does it?

While sitting in the prayer room one night a thought occurred to me: If it [the point] is not about complete accomplishments of the spiritual disciplines that the Lord is looking at, but the 'reach of our heart', the the type and duration of fast is unimportant. I've heard the phrase 'reach of our heart' before, often in reference to various spiritual disciplines to talk about the purpose behind the actions we are doing. So is fasting really a tool God gave us to cultivate the longing in our heart for more of an understanding of His love and affections and His supporting care of us when we kick away our crutches and are required to lean onto what was always there? Could that really be the whole point? 'Cause that wuld be awesome!

I wouldn't even call this a "revelation" so much as a clicking-into-place-finally. This is still the Lord's work too, so maybe there isn't really a difference. I dunno. Through verbally processing it with Robert to check that my thinking was on track, I was able to check my thinking with another person who's had more instruction and experience then myself.

Fasting really moves my heart, and shows me the reality of how weak I am and how to sensitize to feel the love and affection He always has for me. Robert says it doesn't even stop there, because once there, God gets more glory. By acknowledging His love, it causes me to love Him more and praise Him more. So fasting is a tool for me, but it's also a tool for Him to gain more glory. Wow. He's so smart!

So the types and duration of our fasts isn't specifically what He's after, He really is after our hearts. A person could be reaching more on a Daniel fast then someone else drinking only water for weeks on end. He's after our heart reaching out in longing to Him, and that doesn't necessarily have to equate to pain. I think He probably hates that part. The trick for us is to make sure we aren't reaching less for Him then we were before, we need to be always increasing in our desire for Him. Fasting acts like "miracle grow" on the seeds of the Spirit, and cause the growth in our heart to be faster. After thinking on all of this, I'm actually encouraged and feel so much more free to fast now. Now that it's not this standard I have to meet, or gauntlet that I have to pass, I feel more free to do it. I can quit or not fast as much as I want to, based on my heart. Because I want my heart to be reaching for the Lord, I'm not going to want to quit.

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