Tuesday, September 27, 2011

time is short.

This month has flown by! I can hardly believe it's already almost October! GAH! I'm not ready!

I mentioned this to my brother last night when we were talking on the phone ( I think only the Benbow brothers would pick midnight as the the most convenient time to talk on the phone.) that I really like being in the prayer room. Coming to the internship I expected this to be the hardest part. Last night I surpassed 300 hours in the prayer room since coming to IHOP. There isn't really a expected goal they have in place for us, but my but personal goal has been 500 hours before the internship is over. Maybe I need to aim higher, I think I can make it to 600! The number isn't important per-say, but I like goals and achieving them. So there you go. Even in the short time we've been here, I've noticed how the studying and prayer has been getting easier. Somewhere along the line 5 hours became not enough to "get done" all the things I want to do in the prayer room. Since when has 5 hours not been enough time to do anything? Let alone the read the Bible.

I use to be one of the vast majority in Christianity who struggled to get through half an hour, and 5 hours at the beginning of the internship was extremely daunting. There was several years where nothing would knock me out like opening a Bible. I would almost instantly fall asleep every time I tried to read. I kid you not, even if I was just in the room where someone was reading a Bible, I would be more exhausted then I could understand. Sermons at church were nearly unbearable, and not because I didn't want to pay attention, but because I couldn't keep my eyes open! I would frequently stand in the sound booth where I was serving, just to try and keep some measure of attentiveness to the speaker. (How did I conceive of this as "normal"?) A couple of us made it our goal feel surprised when midnight came around and it was time for us to head home. That was very early in the intership, and now, I'm almost disappointed when when it's time to leave! (Sometimes I'm just really hungry and head home to get a snack.) That's clearly miraculous, not something I could do on my own! Yay God!

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