Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Operation: Job Security parts 3, 4, and 5

Right now I'm in a hotel room in Indiana, but I'm really excited about this project I did for my boss and I want to share it here before I got supper busy sharing everything that I'm learning in the Internship.

My Boss at Nordstrom got pretty darn excited when she found out I could paint, long before she even ever looked at my work. I guess I encourage that kind of trust in people. Well when she started asking me if I would do some work for her I started "joking" about how this would certainly need to secure my position at Nordstrom, and should act as a "get out of jail free" card. I was maybe half kidding. You may be asking yourself "What's up with starting with 3?" Part one was doctering a photo of her with her favorite member of her favorite band, because after waiting in line for hours, her eyes were closed in the photo. (Major bummer!) Part 2, was a painting inspired by said band. Because you know you're a supper fan, when you start creating memorabilia for your passion. But I think you'll really enjoy these three the best: She saw a pair of painted Toms shoes online and asked me if I could do one. Well, one turned into three, but she was so excited about this that it made me excited to do it. I honestly think that if she had been ho-hum about the whole senerio, then I wouldn't have wanted to do it at all. Because she was excited, I got excited too. It took me several all nighters in the studio because my lease was up at the end of June, but I got really into getting this done.

I was very very excited about these. So was she! I was kinda hoping she would cry (in a good way) but I did make her speechless for a moment or so, and that's saying a lot. I'm not gonna lie, I felt awesome! I'd probably even rock those pink ribbon toms, 'cause I think they turned out fan-freaking-tastic.

I'm working out how to offer custom hand painted Toms to continue bringing in money while I'm in KC. Give me a holler if you're interested in getting a pair for yourself.

Well it's after midnight I think (I'm not sure where this time zone change happens) and I have another long day of driving ahead of me.



Tyler D. Robinett said...
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Merrill Anne said...

I want some Patrick!!!!