Tuesday, March 17, 2009

First freelance

I'm very excited to let you all know about the freelance work I've been working to get together.

It's taken several weeks, but I finally managed to print and packaged over 500 mailers to send to area dentist. My goal is to offer my designs to be made into postcards as appointment reminders. These designs would be specifically dental related, so along with reminding people to schedule their appointments, it would also promote general oral health as well.

This is the first time I've tried to organize anything like this, essentially a cold call, to get this freelance work going so I'm just casting big nets, and hoping it works out. Though I expect that I'll need to wait a while to hear anything back unless I'm catching one of these offices right as they are considering ordering more cards.

These are the two industry appropriate that I have ready right now;

1 comment:

Duncan Robertson said...

Hey buddy! I really like these a lot! any bites yet?