Saturday, September 5, 2009

It's been a while...

I haven't posted anything because sadly, I haven't been doing much art work. Things in life have been crazy; the blog and "recreational" art have all kinda fallen by the wayside. I spent the past several months spending as much time as I could with my Dad, who was battling cancer. And I've spent the most recent months trying to grapple with the grief and loss of him, who died in May.

This image is one that I made, probably in April, using one of favorite Psalms, Psalm 63.

This is another image that I made as I battle against doubts, anger, and questions that I shouldn't be asking because I wont get any answers this side of eternity for them.



Duncan Robertson said...

Patrick I really really like these a lot. I admire your transparent honesty in you work man I really do. Thanks for posting!

B-Designed said...

Daang these are intense. Dude, I'm right there with Duncan, these are great. As far as art is concerned, I'm a huge fan of the more grungy one. Thats a new style for you. The composition in conjunction with the colors add a lot of motion and emotion. svveet. can't wait till more posts.