This may be the first time I ever had a writing part to go with it. It's not quite a poem, and it's not quite a caption, I think I can only describe it as the verbal discussion I had while having a visual conversation with the Lord. I know it's not just for me though, so I hope it blesses and encourage you and your walk with the Lord too.

...I could barely feel it, it weighed almost nothing at all. I’m sure I’d lose it if I didn’t keep checking that it was still there. And as I lifted it up and offered it to Him, all I could do was mumble; “I... I know it’s not much...” “It’s all I wanted.” “I’m sorry it’s so small...” “I’m not” “I wish it was bigger...” “I’ll take it. It’s beautiful to me.” “Well, it’s always been Yours.” “Yes, but I’m glad you are giving it to me.” He gently reached over and between two fingers, slowly lifted it and brought it close to his face. I couldn’ t even feel it as He lifted it from my hand. He looked at it, so intensely, yet with a smile spreading across His face. For the first time I noticed the color of his eyes. Had they always been this bright? As He starred, it began to glow, brighter and brighter still. I covered my eyes, but He never looked away. And then...I was warm.
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