Wednesday, February 13, 2008

one small step

Hello everyone, welcome to my blog, though I guess technically, no one is actually here...

I've created this blog as a way for me to display the work I do; as a student, an illustrator, a graphic designer, and just a person who likes to communicate with pictures more then with words. I'm a little all over the place, visually speaking, so that will inevitably be reflected in this blog. I love Vermeer and Rembrandt, and also Mucha and James Jean, so my style differs when I'm doing a piece for class or as a personal work for myself. I also really enjoy working with my hands so maybe I'll even post some pictures of the things I've been doing in my ceramics class too.

We were asked to bring to class some images of work that we have done in the past, to help us identify our style, themes, and help introduce us as artist to the professor. I think that might be a good idea here as well.
This is an image I did for personality profile I did on my dad. Most of the project was about his battle with cancer, so I wanted to reflect that in the image.

This was a final for the Sophomore painting class. The assignment was to paint a painting that was 3' x 5'. I decided that if I was going to be spending that kinda of money and time on a project, it was gonna be about something worth while. Jesus.

I was inspired for this piece from Ephesians 2:13 "But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ."

I got this image not long after I was told that Dad had cancer again. So for me it was really about how nothing is outside of Gods control. Before Jesus died on the cross for my sins, he declared "It is finished." and I believe that with every fiber of my being.

This is just a painting exercise.

I'm excited to see where this takes me and hope you enjoy the ride.



JP said...

Hi Umpa! Sweet blog- I'm looking forward to stalking you :P

Anonymous said...

i also look forward to stalking you. i bought stardust the other day. sincerely, jeff O

patrick benbow said...

hahaha thank you both. i hope i'll give you plenty of reason to ignore you homework and come back!