Friday, August 17, 2012

Jesus would be a much kinder sales associate than I am.

Today was one of the more frustrating days I’ve had in a long time. I was at work and sales were just not happening, not for me at least. I mean what gives? It was like customers knew which shoes we didn’t have in the store and asked for those specific ones! Indecision was rampant, so that people were taking much more time then really should have been necessary. On the drive home I realized, that the reason I was getting frustrated was because I’m the one with the problem. I don’t look a lot like Jesus. He would have been a much kinder, gentler, compassionate sales associate. He wouldn’t be angry about people’s indecision, and He wouldn’t have any frustration to voice in the back. He also wouldn’t feel frantic or pressured to sell more to pay the bills because He would trust that the Father, who is the seer of all His needs and provider to fill them, has everything under control. Jesus would have been more concerned with serving the masses than He would have been with His numbers, because the only person He tries to impress or perform for is His Father.

My heavenly Father is a good God, and is the source of every good thing. His budget is never blown. All the money in the world is His. Daddy I thank you for the 40-some-odd dollars you gave me today. Thank you for the rest of the money you will provide for me. Thank you that whether it’s through this job or another means, you will continue to provide everything I need. You are not shocked that I need money. My bills do not shock you. Holy Spirit, please make me look more like Jesus. Amen.

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