Tuesday, February 7, 2012

playing with my camera

It's been an exciting afternoon. I've been trying to get an interview at the Nordstrom here in Kansas City since I worked then for several months just before moving last summer. I think this job has the best potential to make me the most amount of money in the least amount of time throughout my week, so I can keep pouring my time and energy into school at IHOPU. I've already got the training, I know the company, and i know the money's good. Today I finally got a call from the nice lady who's been helping me out in Human resources to schedule and interview for this Friday. YAY!

I also applied today for a position as a graphic designer within the marketing department of the International House of Prayer. It's a missionary position, 24 hours a week in the prayer room, and 24 hours a week doing graphic work, with a missionary stipend. I have no idea what that means numerically but a job I could work around school, and get paid to love Jesus and spread information about Him in an aesthetically pleasing manner could be awesome on multiple levels. So with a quick polish up of my resume, and a few newer uploads to my website, www.patrickbenbow.com and my resume was off!

Please pray for the Lord's leading in my, and others' decisions. From the very begining of the job search this time around, I was telling God "I only want your best. I don't want to settle." Please be praying that I follow His leading, and that I don't get frustrated and try to "solve" this thing by myself. That turned out horribly for king Saul. (yipe!) He always has the best plans.

While I was looking around my computer for my most recent work, I found these: these are some photos I took while I was back home before school started. I was playing around with my camera settings to take photos at night and I think these turned out better then I could have hoped.

This is a path by a lake near my parent's house.

This is NOT my house, but it looked so beautiful with the Christmas tree lighting up the whole place and the soft reflection on the water.

This is on the campus of Virginia commonwealth University, where I went to school. The building on the left is the dinning hall, and the Church on the right is the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart. I never went there for a service, but I've admired the building and the Man it represents for years while living in that city.


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